Monday, May 16, 2011

Botanical Bonanza!!!!!!!!!

My class Introduction to Landscape Horticulture with Lawrence Lee had a field trip to the UC Botanical Garden last Tuesday! Lawrence used to work there so he had a lot to tell us. The first stop was the cactus jungle:

Many of these cacti and succulents are over 50 years old, some even approach 100. The UC Botanical Garden has many rare and endangered specimens that are threatened by international collectors. Today when the Botanical Garden sends a collector into the field for these types of plants, they generally collect only seeds, and with permits.

Here's Lawrence in the Asian aquatic section. Here we observed Newts, a water snake, and cherry red dragonflies. They were drawn by Lawrence's beguiling lecture:

In the edible garden area we found a blue bellied lizard! These cute little fellows help prevent limes disease. When ticks bite the lizard the disease is killed by the lizard's blood. More reason to create lizard habitat. Megan held him up for the paparazzi:

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